Growth strategies that recruitment agencies can use right now to get ahead

March 24, 2021
Job Board Advertising

The future is looking more positive. 87% of recruitment agency leaders are feeling more confident about the outlook for the future.

Most recruitment consultancies have been doing what they can for now, and getting ready to grow again when the market picks up. 

Spoiler alert: The market won’t go back to being the same as it was. Employers won’t go back to using exactly the same suppliers in the same way. Some agencies will capitalise on the recovery and become incredible post-pandemic success stories, and others will end up much smaller than beforehand. 

So how can you make sure that your agency is able to take advantage of this moment? How can you grow quickly and get ahead over the coming months?

We’ve created some brand new resources to explain how recruitment advertising can support your growth strategies.

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Growth Blueprint: Using recruitment advertising when diversifying into new markets

Nearly half said that business diversification was a top priority in 2021. It’s a growth strategy that can unlock a whole new level of growth for your recruitment agency. More clients, more placement revenue. All in all, it could be the boost your agency needs to accelerate into post-pandemic growth. 

In this growth blueprint, we’ll show you how you can use recruitment advertising to reduce the risks associated with diversifying - to help you quickly move from ‘trial and error’, to getting valuable recruitment results. Get better prepared to take the leap and scale.

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Growth Blueprint: More flexible recruitment advertising to help you scale

The last year has taught everyone a lesson in flexibility. Although the future looks bright now, it’s impossible to predict what else could be on the way.  Being able to quickly respond to changes is an important part of future-proofing your recruitment business. 

Are you prepared to rapidly scale up your advertising post-pandemic as the economy and recruitment market recovers? Would you be tied into the wrong contract if there was another pandemic-level industry change on the way in the future?

In this growth blueprint, we’ll show you how more flexible advertising can help to prepare your recruitment agency to grow, whatever the future holds.

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Growth Blueprint: Use faster recruitment advertising to get ahead

Employers will be looking to recruiters to provide results quickly - and changing your recruitment advertising approach can help you better meet their needs.

In this growth blueprint, we’ll show you how optimising your recruitment advertising for speed will set your agency up to meet the needs of employers. That means winning more placement fees and winning new clients.

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